Tuesday, 27 June 2017

British Flowers Week - Our secret garden shoot

Hi all,

So as you will all be aware from our Facebook page and other social media we have just celebrated British Flower's Week and what better way to celebrate than to do a stunning shoot featuring all British grown flowers with some awesome suppliers in a secret location.  These photographs originally featured on Boho Wedding Blog but here it is again in all glory just in case you missed and also just because it's such a beautiful shoot and we love it.

British flowers are a subject quite close to our hearts here at Campbell's and wherever possible we use locally grown British blooms in our designs.  For this photoshoot we really wanted to showcase these local hero's and show people why locally grown really is the best.  Seasonality is key when picking British as they look better, last longer and smell amazing!

Here are a selection of the stunning pictures taken on the sunniest day in May, hand picked for your pleasure.  I suggest you pour and ice cold lemonade, sit back and enjoy!