
Wednesday, 27 June 2018

May Round Up 2018

Hi all,

So better late than never!  It's been a hectic month here at Campbell's HQ as we head full on into wedding season hence the slight delay in our usual monthly blog, however, May was definitely worth the wait. 

Brights have played a big part - from just a couple of colourful stems, to a full on cascade of lively hues.  Summer season sees scented flowers coming into their own with stocks, roses and sweet peas but to name a few.  We have had the opportunity to increase our involvement with local growers to incorporate more of the British grown blooms which has been a subject very close to our heart since we started our biz, and we aim to  continue to increase our use of homegrown flowers, whenever we can.


Bouquets seemed to follow a posy style trend with our signature Campbell's wildness.