
Saturday, 10 December 2011

Pop-Up Shop at Pure Enough

Today, was the Pop-Up shop with Pure Enough and what a great day it was.  In these tough times, it's so inspiring to work with someone who is running their business in such an ethical way, given the constraints that finances can create.  Money is such an issue for all of us just now, the juxaposition between your belief and passion in quality and service has to be provided at an affordable cost.

Although, there aren't necessarily obvious parallels between a natural skincare shop and a florist, we both passionately believe in natural, locally sourced produce and materials and providing our customers with something they are so happy with, they always come back. Hopefully that's a good starting point.
So, after a slow start in pretty nasty weather conditions, the day went incredibly well and I'm pleased to say we generated quite a bit of mutual interest in what we are both doing - me demonstrating how to make very natural long-life table arrangements and Amy listening, advising and recommending in her area of expertise.

To anyone thinking about collaborating with another local business - I'd say, give it a go - you never know where it might lead. I've got three people very interested in my Flower School for the New Year, and not to mention all the sales I made today!

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