
Thursday, 21 August 2014

Feature Flower - Sunny Sunflowers

Yep you guessed it, it's that time again, it's feature flower time!  This month we have chosen the sunny sunflower.  This happy little flower has become quite popular this year and we are predicting it will continue to remain a favourite coming into next summer too.

These amazing flowers originate in South America and quickly spread all over the world  due to their versatility. Thet are notoriously easy to grow and add amazing colour structure to any garden or wedding bouquet they also have a lovely habit of turning their heads to face the sun as it moves in the sky during the day.

The folklore and legend surrounding the sunflower proves a very interesting read too.  It is said that Sunflowers are a symbol of luck which is why many people plant them around their houses, and who wouldn't want a symbol of luck on their wedding day too?

Sunflowers have been associated with truth, loyalty and honesty.  They have also been thought of as a sign of fertility.  Ancient forklore has it that by eating sunflowers seeds and bathing in a bath of sunflower petals you're supposed to increase your chance of conception. Something to bear in mind post honeymoon!

Here a few tips on how to keep your sunflowers looking fresh and lovely after your wedding day so you can appreciate them for as long as possible.  Tip 1:  Re-cut the stems at a 45 degree angle before putting them into water.  Tip 2:  Make sure you strip off all the leaves (if there are any) on the stem that sit below the water line.  Tip 3:  Use a cut flower preservative or make your own with this easy recipe, 2 table spoons of fresh lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of bleach added to your flower water.  Make sure you use luke warm water when filling up your vase.  Finally, Tip 4:  Make sure you replace the water every 3 days and keep it topped up in between.

I really hope you have found the blog interesting and useful.  If you would like to discuss any floral ideas there are plenty of ways you can get in touch  facebooktwitterpinterestYouTube.

Please use our comment section below if you have any tips on how to keep your cut flowers fresh!

Thanks for reading
Amy xx

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